M. Cuffaro, E. Carminati, and C. Doglioni eEarth Discuss., 1, 63-80, 2006 AbstractDiscussion Paper (PDF, 2699 KB)Interactive Discussion (Closed, 7 Comments)Publication in eE not foreseen
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
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A normalised seawater strontium isotope curve and the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian chemical weathering event
G. A. Shields eEarth Discuss., 2, 69-84, 2007 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
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Exhumation of metamorphic rocks in N Aegean: the path from shortening to extension and extrusion
R. Lacassin, N. Arnaud, P. H. Leloup, R. Armijo, and B. Meyer eEarth Discuss., 2, 1-35, 2007 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Stimulated infrared emission from rocks: assessing a stress indicator
F. T. Freund, A. Takeuchi, B. W. S. Lau, A. Al-Manaseer, C. C. Fu, N. A. Bryant, and D. Ouzounov eEarth Discuss., 1, 97-121, 2006 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
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Extracting low frequency climate signal from GRACE data
O. de Viron, M. Diament, and I. Panet eEarth Discuss., 1, 21-36, 2006 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
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Late Pleistocene paleoproductivity patterns during the last climatic cycle in the Guyana Basin as revealed by calcareous nannoplankton
G.-E. López-Otálvaro, J. A. Flores, F. J. Sierro, I. Cacho, J.-O. Grimalt, E. Michel, E. Cortijo, and L. Labeyrie eEarth Discuss., 3, 11-40, 2008 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Environmental response of living benthic foraminifera in Kiel Fjord, SW Baltic Sea
A. Nikulina, I. Polovodova, and J. Schönfeld eEarth Discuss., 2, 191-217, 2007 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
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Decline of coral reefs during late Paleocene to early Eocene global warming
C. Scheibner and R. P. Speijer eEarth Discuss., 2, 133-150, 2007 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
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Characteristics of chlorites in seismogenic fault zones: the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Drilling Project (TCDP) core sample
Y. Hashimoto, O. Tadai, M. Tanimizu, W. Tanikawa, T. Hirono, K. Aoike, T. Ishikawa, M. Murayama, W. Soh, S. R. Song, K. Fujimoto, T. Fukuchi, M. Ikehara, H. Ito, H. Kikuta, M. Kinoshita, W. Lin, K. Masuda, T. Matsubara, O. Matsubayashi, T. Mishima, K. Mizoguchi, N. Nakamura, K. Otsuki, M. Sakaguchi, T. Shimamoto, H. Sone, and M. Takahashi eEarth Discuss., 2, 85-98, 2007 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
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Inflation of Aira Caldera (Japan) detected over Kokubu urban area using SAR interferometry ERS data
D. Remy, S. Bonvalot, M. Murakami, P. Briole, and S. Okuyama eEarth Discuss., 1, 151-165, 2006 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Holocene evolution and sedimentation rate of Alikes Lagoon, Zakynthos island, Western Greece – preliminary results
P. Avramidis and N. Kontopoulos eEarth Discuss., 4, 55-75, 2009 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Geometry of the Turkey-Arabia and Africa-Arabia plate boundaries in the latest Miocene to Mid-Pliocene: the role of the Malatya-Ovacık Fault Zone in eastern Turkey
R. Westaway, T. Demir, and A. Seyrek eEarth Discuss., 2, 169-190, 2007 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Impact vesiculation – a new trigger for volcanic bubble growth and degassing
D. A. Rothery, J. M. Sumner, O. Spieler, and D. B. Dingwell eEarth Discuss., 2, 151-167, 2007 AbstractDiscussion Paper (PDF, 485 KB)Interactive Discussion (Closed, 3 Comments)Publication in eE not foreseen
05 Nov 2007
Noble gas signature of the late heavy bombardment in the Earth's atmosphere
B. Marty and A. Meibom eEarth Discuss., 2, 99-113, 2007 Abstract
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Palaeomagnetic investigations of sediments cores from Axios zone (N. Greece): implications of low inclinations in the Aegean
E. Aidona, D. Kondopoulou, R. Scholger, A. Georgakopoulos, and A. Vafeidis eEarth Discuss., 2, 37-68, 2007 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Earthquake fault rock indicating a coupled lubrication mechanism
S. Okamoto, G. Kimura, S. Takizawa, and H. Yamaguchi eEarth Discuss., 1, 135-149, 2006 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
What olivine, the neglected mineral, tells us about kimberlite petrogenesis
N. T. Arndt, A. M. Boullier, J. P. Clement, M. Dubois, and D. Schissel eEarth Discuss., 1, 37-50, 2006 Abstract
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final revised paper in the journal eEarth (eE). You are
encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
Stable isotope compositions of a late Jurassic ammonite shell: a record of seasonal surface water temperatures in the southern hemisphere?
C. Lécuyer and H. Bucher eEarth Discuss., 1, 1-19, 2006 Abstract
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